This page contains a list of frequently asked questions and some answers from us.
Do I need to be a strong coder in order to be a DevSecOps engineer?
This is an interesting one. The answer to this is: Yes, to an extent.
As a DevSecOps engineer, you may be required to build custom tools from scratch or extending the functionality of these pipelines that may require an advanced understanding of programming concepts outside of looping, object oriented programming, and recursion. So it would be ideal to understand software engineering and programming concepts and best practices.
If your job won't have you doing that, then you'll need to ensure that you know scripting languages such as Bash, Powershell, and Python, and be comfortable with writing scripts that vary in complexity.
Do I need a degree to get into DevSecOps?
No. You do not need a degree to get into DevSecOps. Most of these orgs/companies really want you to have the hands-on experience, skills, and certifications that are effective for getting the job done.
Now, getting a degree will help you stand out from the competition and they do not expire or require you to recertify. The degrees that I recommend that you get for DevSecOps are highlighted below:
- B.S of Computer Science with a minor in CyberSecurity (if possible)
- B.S of CyberSecurity
- M.S of CyberSecurity
- M.S of Computer Science
Do I need to learn the cloud to get a job in DevSecOps?
You don't necessary have to. However, I think that it would be of your best interest to learn one cloud service provider (CSP) of your choice very well. This could be AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc.
The reason why I say this is because most of the applications may end up being hosted in the cloud, and you'll have an understanding of what the cloud is and how it works. This may require you to get a few certifications as well such as the AWS Solutions Architect - Associate or the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer to start.