Building Cloud DevSecOps Pipelines (In Theory)
Author: Damien Burks
Stages of a Cloud DevSecOps Pipeline (Terraform Deployment)
In this example, I’m using a Jenkins pipeline with Terraform for cloud infrastructure as code (IaC) to provision and manage cloud environments. The Jenkins pipeline includes stages to lint and validate Terraform configurations, scan for security issues, apply infrastructure, and perform post-deployment testing.
The outline listed below is sudo code, with an small explanation in each stage to follow:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
AWS_CREDENTIALS = credentials('aws-access-key-id') // Example for AWS IAM credentials
TF_VERSION = '1.0.11' // Terraform version
TERRAFORM_DIR = 'terraform' // Terraform directory
SNYK_ORG_NAME = "snyk-org-id"
stages {
stage('Checkout Code') {
steps {
// Checking out code from version control system (GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, etc.)
checkout scm
stage('Terraform Init') {
steps {
// Initializing Terraform in the specified directory
sh """
terraform -version
terraform init
stage('Terraform Lint') {
steps {
// Running terraform fmt to check for formatting issues
sh """
terraform fmt -check
stage('Terraform Validate') {
steps {
// Validating the Terraform configuration
sh """
terraform validate
stage('Terraform Plan') {
steps {
// Running terraform plan to check the changes that will be applied
sh """
terraform plan -out=tfplan
stage('Security Scanning') {
parallel {
stage('Checkov Scan') {
steps {
// Scanning the Terraform configuration for misconfigurations
sh """
checkov --directory . --quiet
stage('Snyk Scan') {
steps {
// Running Snyk to check security issues in the Terraform configurations and generate a report
sh """
snyk iac test --severity-threshold=high --org=${SNYK_ORG_NAME} --report
stage('Terraform Apply') {
when {
expression {
return params.APPLY_TERRAFORM == true // Optional parameter to conditionally apply
steps {
// Applying the Terraform plan to the cloud provider (e.g., AWS, GCP, Azure)
sh """
terraform apply -auto-approve tfplan
stage('Post-Deployment Testing') {
steps {
// Run integration tests or security tests after infrastructure deployment if you're like to. This
// can look completely different for everyone's use case to ensure your infrastructure is alive.
sh """
cd ${TERRAFORM_DIR}/tests
post {
always {
// Example: Archiving Terraform logs and test results
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/terraform.tfstate', allowEmptyArchive: true
junit '**/test-results/*.xml'
// Clean up workspace after build